When you run the Mailware demo it automatically points to a sample database located in C:\Mailware. When you are ready to enter your own company data you should create a new folder and install a blank database. You can store your database on the PC you are using to run Mailware, on a file server, a peer-to-peer network or on a web based server.
- First, download and install a “blank” database (the “blank” database has some pre-entered data like Zip Codes and Countries) to a folder on your server or one of the PC’s in your peer-to-peer network – Download the blank database install
- Run the downloaded file and select the location where you want your data to reside. This should be a location that all PC’s on your network can see (unless you are using Client/Server). If you are installing Client/Server you can install the data on your server in a location that is not shared.
- Now is a good time to share the folder. Open Windows Explorer and locate the newly installed folder. The default locations is C:\Mailware\Data. Right click the folder, and depending on your version of Windows, click Properties in the pop up menu, then click the Sharing or Security tab. Instructions for sharing and permissions can be found at support.microsoft.com.
- Open Mailware by clicking its icon under the Start button.
- Click the Open Company folder. This will open a dialog where you can switch from the sample database to a blank database where you can enter your own information.
- In the dialog that opens select the Sample Database and click Edit.
- In the next dialog that opens change the name of the sample database to your company name, then click the … button to browse to the data directory where you installed the blank database.
- Click OK on each dialog to close them and switch to your new database. You will likely be greeted by the following dialog.
- Do not skip this step.Click the Update button. Mailware will automatically add new fields and change any existing ones that were modified by the new version.Note: If you see this dialog in the future ALWAYS click Backup first and then click Update. Do not skip this step as it may render parts of Mailware inoperable. You can manually run the update by clicking Tools>Update Database from the text menu. You will see this dialog in the future when you update or upgrade your Mailware version and the new version includes changes to the database.