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Revision History – 2013


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File Name:  Mailwarexxxx.zip

File Name: MCMxxxx-x-xxxx.zip

Mailware Version 2013 – Zip Install – Unzip the Mailware.exe into your install directory (Default is C:\Program Files\Mailware XXXX where XXXX is the version number e.g., 2013)Note: You will also need the updated MCM. Unzip it to your Mailware data directory overwriting the MCM.exe there. Be sure to exit the MCM in your system tray first. Double click the new MCM.exe to run it.

What’s New in Mailware 2013

Feature Announcement #1


Point of Sale (POS)

Now you can use Mailware for your online stores, your phone orders and your retail outlets. Our point of sale system has been greatly enhanced to manage your cash drawer, support bar code scanners, streamline order entry, charge cards and print receipts, manage inventory intelligently and more.

Benefits: One system for all your channels, including retail. All your inventory is controlled by one system, orders are in one place and you can run totals and reports for everything in Mailware.

Feature Announcement #2

 Customize 115Customize Fields

Specify fields for individual products that you can update at order entry. Great for personalizing items, monograms, messages and more.

 Discrete, individual fields for item specific data. Use to specify details and because fields are separate you can run reports, export to a file and sort.

2013 Revision History

v1315             09/20/2013

v1315           09/20/2013
    1. Added the ability to use multiple fields in the default setup*
    2. Added the ability to customize subproducts
    3. Added 10 additional customization fields, which can be edited as a separate set
    4. Added checkbox option to the customization field setup (with new data type field)
    5. Added fields to store the number of populated customization fields for each set, and a total
    6. Added a panel to show the number of remaining characters when entering a customization
    7. Fixed error when updating database

*This is setting up the field default on the customization setup screen.  It still drops down a list of fields like before, and just selecting a single field still works so it is compatible with existing customize setups you may have.  However, you can now combine fields and/or plain text by using brackets around the field names.  So “[Billing First Name] [Billing Last Name]” would show “John Doe”.  You can also use plain text, so “Name: [Billing First Name]” would be “Name: John”.  The field names aren’t required, so you can use it to default to a fixed value.  If it’s a checkbox, using a default value of “True” will check the box by default.

Also, not mentioned specifically in the change notes: the new customize fields were added to the manual standard import (Process Orders screen) so you can import orders from a csv file for example including up to 20 customize fields.


v1314           09/06/2013
    1. Modified ebay product tab for price and inventory updates
v1314.1.1304    09/06/2013
    1. Added inventory and price upload for ebay
    2. Changed ebay SKU match when importing orders to use both ItemID and SKU
v1313           08/20/2013
    1. Added 3dcart channel
v1313.1.1303    08/20/2013
    1. Added 3dcart channel order download
v1312           07/01/2013
    1. Added unpaid credit card orders to Invoicing tab of Process Orders if preference set
    2. Fixed box scanning dialog to allow unpaid credit card orders if preference set
    3. Added label to box scanning dialog to show credit card will be charged when finished
    4. Renamed “Don’t Hold for BO” on order screen to “Ship Ahead”
    5. Renamed “Default to Don’t Hold for BO” in preferences to “Default to Ship Ahead”
    6. Fixed inventory update bug in receive inventory
v1311           04/08/2013
    1. Fixed LocStock.IsNotAvailableForSale flag ignored when also marked non-inventory
    2. Fixed Product.HasNonInventoryLocation set to true even if location marked IsNotAvailableForSale
v1311.1.1302    04/08/2013
    1. Includes change to triggers in Mailware Build 1311.
v1310           03/14/2012
    1. Added kit item creation when the kit master is added as a backorder
    2. Fixed error when deleting kit master that is in backorder
    3. Added supplier cost to drop ship POs created from order screen
    4. Added ability to use fractional discounts on order screen
    5. Changed process orders to not fill backorders if order is on hold
    6. Added Name field to order product search grid and customized layout
    7. Fixed possible error if order item change temp table still exists when dialog opened
    8. Fixed Sears channel not showing on channel setup
    9. Added PayPal payment type
    10. Updated credit card validation on payment screen.
    11. Added highlight to order notes and PO tab when note has been entered.
    12. Added last updated field to product screen.
    13. Fixed todaysdate parameter not being set when refreshing backorders
v1309           02/22/2013
    1. Changed customized item auto-fill to trigger only once
    2. Added minor version
v1308           01/21/2013
    1. Added ebay Item ID field to ebay product listings
    2. Added index to ChannelListings.ProductID field.
    3. Added Sell on Sears channel
    4. Added internal changes to make synchronizing versions and upgrades easier.
v1308.1.1301    01/21/2013
    1. Updated to version 2013

v1307           01/17/2013
    1. Added customize fields to standard order import
    2. Fixed order import settings dialog to resize correctly


v1306           01/08/2012
    1. Added button on the order screen to copy orders


 v1305           12/10/2012
  1. Added various item customization fields, setup screens, and entry screens
  2. Added company to source key screen and sets company in order when selected
Setting up customizations:
  1. Go to the product screen, at the bottom of the first tab is the customize button and a dropdown with a setup button next to it.  Click on the setup button.
  2. Create a new customization by clicking the add button and entering in field names, length, and the default field if applicable.  (The default field will pull information from the customer and/or order when the customization is opened.)
  3. Save the customization and close the forms.  You can now select that customization on the product form.  Do that and save the product.
  4. Go to an order and add the product you just customized.  Then click on the customize button to bring up the customization screen.  (This should probably happen automatically when adding a new item, but get some input from the customer on when the best time to do this is.)  Enter customization data.  Field defaults should already be entered, if the field has a value in the customer/order.
Setting up source key companies:
  1. Open the source key setup screen, on the second tab there is a dropdown to assign the company and a setup button.  This works identically to the operator screen.
  2. Select the source key in the order.  If a company is assigned, the current company will be overwritten.  It does not blank out the company if no company is assigned to that source key, because it may have been set manually or automatically from the operator or another process.
 v1303           11/21/2012
  1. Changed payment dialog to start on CardNo field for credit card payments.
  2. Added TenderedAmt and ChangeAmt fields to payment table.
  3. Added Tendered and Change to payment dialog for cash payments.
  4. Added prompt for confirmation if cash tendered is less than amount.
  5. Added change calculation when cash drawer opened.
  6. Added move to Tendered field when cash pay method is selected.
  7. Added cash payment locked after approval (on drawer open).
  8. Fixed Customer and Location settings on POS tab.
  9. Fixed operator invoice report setup.
  1.  Added POS preferences tab
  2.  Added drawer open button to cash payment dialog
  3. Added ability to parse swiped credit card on payment dialog
  4. Added ability to set POS customer
  5. Added ability to set up as POS workstation
  6. Added ability to set POS location
  7. Changed order form to start on order screen when taking POS order
  8. Changed order form to show Sale instead of Order for POS orders
  9. Added IsPOS field to OrderDet table


Multi Channel Manager (MCM)Multi Channel Manager (MCM)

We have added several new carts and updated a few. Plus, the MCM can be easily updated to work with any MySQL, SQL Server, XML or .csv cart. Don’t see your cart in the list? Just ask.

The MCM runs on your desktop and communicates directly with all your channels – no 3rd party hosting required. It automatically:

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