- If you have not done so already click Tools>Preferences on the text menu to open the Preferences dialog. Then click the Printers tab.
- Default Printers
Order Invoice Printer – Select the default printer you wish to use when printing an invoice from the Order screen (a single invoice).
Invoice Copies – Specify the number of copies you wish to print each time.
Preview Invoice before printing – You can preview the invoice before printing or uncheck this box to have the invoice start printing immediately.
Show printer setup dialog before printing – If you choose to Preview an Invoice before printing the show printer dialog is required so you can send your invoice to your printer.
Order Label Printer – Select a default printer for labels printed from the Order screen (single labels)>
- Report Tab Settings
Use these settings to control how much access your users have to report writer features. This preference is specific to the physical workstation rather than the user’s login.
Show Define Search tab – Hide or show the Define Search tab in the report writer for this user.
Show Layout tab - Hide or show the Layout tab in the report writer for this user.
Show SQL tab - Hide or show the SQL tab in the report writer for this user.
Allow report change to be saved – Allow or prevent this user from saving reports.
Preferences – Printers