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Add/Edit an Order

Enter a new order or edit an existing or imported order.

What’s New?

  1. To access the Orders feature click on the Orders icon on the Mailware Explorer. Order Icon
  2. The Order List will open.
    NOTE: In the demo the Order List defaults to All Orders with no date range restrictions. When you are logged in as a user the list will default to your orders for today’s date (which you can change). This allows you to quickly see your completed and pending orders for the day. See the Order List instructions below for more details.

Take an Order

Enter a new order manually (phone orders, mailed orders, faxes, walk ups etc.)


Follow the instructions above to open the Order screen, then:

  1. Click the button on the left navigation. The following screen will open so you can search for a customer.Customer Search
  2. Enter as few or as many fields as you wish then press the Enter key or click Search. Results will appear in the lower half of the screen. You can double click a line or single click it and then click the Next button to proceed.If you do not find a match you can click the Add Customer button to create the account with the fields you have already entered.
  3. The following screen will open.Customer Screen
  4. You can enter/edit any fields you wish on the Customer screen, then click Next to proceed to the Order screen (Note: the left navigation has been minimized in the image below using the vertical bar on the left edge due to size restrictions in the help file)..Order ScreenNOTE: There are multiple methods for entering an order and fields that can be set in Preferences to be required or skipped. The following covers every possible field. You can, of course, modify the process to meet your specific needs. For example, you could immediately start entering or scanning items into the order.
  5. The Cust System ID field
  6. In the Operator ID field you can select your ID from the pulldown. However, if you have security turned on Mailware will prompt you to log in when you start the program and will then automatically enter your ID when you take an order. You can change the ID to a different Operator if you wish, but your ID will remain associated with the order in log files for security purposes. Note: You can specify in Preferences to require this field.
  7. Enter a Source Key from your list of available Advertising Source Keys. The field is designed so you can simply begin typing the key. A dialog opens so you can select from a list of keys or continue typing and press Enter. Note: You can specify in Preferences to require this field.Source KeysThe Source Key field is used to associate an advertisement with the order. Each key is stored with the order. You can run reports to determine if a key is profitable. Also, the first key used is stored at the customer level in the Original Source Key. This key tells you where the customer came from and is useful in Downstream reports (reports that tell you which ads are profitable because they found buying customers – even if they did not buy in their first contact with you).Additionally, Source Keys can be used to apply discounts, free gifts etc. See the Advertising Source Keys topic for details.
  8. The Company pulldown field on the Order screen can be selected manually, however it is generally set automatically based on either the Operator ID or the Products added to the order. You can create different companies and associate their own invoices to them in the Operators and Security screen. When you enter an order your ID will determine the Company used and the invoice that is printed. If however you enter products that have a different company assigned to them the last product entered will determine the company and invoice used. This feature is designed to print the most appropriate invoice for businesses that sell under multiple company names.
  9. The Order # field is incremented automatically when you add an order. It is not assigned until the first product is added to the order (therefore you can cancel an order prior to adding a product by clicking the Cancel button). You can specify in Preferences a starting order number.  Mailware also stores two alternate order numbers for imported orders and/or non numeric order numbers. Both are searchable.
  10. The Order Date field is automatically populated with today’s date but can be changed to a different date if you wish. A log is maintained of changes made for security purposes. Changing the date does not affect processing. To hold an order use the Hold feature under Details.
  11. The Billing Address is populated automatically from the Customer screen and cannot be changed. To use a different billing address click the button and add a new customer account.
  12. The Shipping Address is automatically populated from the Customer screen, but can be changed. Any changes made will be stored with the order and can be used on subsequent orders by clicking the Lookup button. In the dialog that opens select the shipping address you wish to use for the order.LookupTip: If you enter the Zip Code and press Tab or Enter the City and State will be filled in for you.
  13.  To the right of the shipping address tabs that contain additional information and features:

  • Order Info: This display lists changes to the orders as the occur.
  • Notes: Type whatever internal notes you wish to associate with this order (Note: You must enter a product into the order before an order # is assigned. Then you can type Notes if you wish.
  • Drop Ship PO: Create one or more drop ship purchase orders automatically based on the drop shipped items in the order. This tab is useful when you wish to create drop ship purchase orders individually and on-demand. You can also use the Drop Ship Purchase Order from the Reports menu pulldown to create drop ship purchase orders for a date range in which case you do not need to use this tab.

Ordered Items
Enter items ordered by customers, change prices, apply discounts and check the status of shipments.

  1. In the Product Grid enter the items ordered by the customer.

Click in the first field to highlight it, then type a Product Number, or click on the  button, or press the F2 key to open a product search screen. The Product Search dialog will appear.


Enter any fields you wish and click Search or press Enter to locate an item. Then double-click it or click the Add to Order  button to add it to the order with the selected quantity. You can alter the look and feel of the Product Search dialog by clicking the Customize button and dragging items and groups to and from the dialog. The following fields are available when all items are added to the dialog:

  • Full Text Search - Any complete word you type here (e.g., DOOR, not DOO) will be searched across the Product Number, Name, Short Description and Long Description fields of the product. This is useful if you do not know or want to search by your product numbers alone or if you have important information embedded in any of these fields (e.g., an alternate product number or key words).
  • Product Number – Searches on the product number alone. If you click the “Real-time Incremental Search” or if you have it set in Preferences to be clicked then as you type the search results will drill down to the next match.
  • Description – Searches on the Description field only.
  • Long Description – Searches on the product’s Long Description field only.
  • Supplier: Select a Supplier from the pulldown to filter on that supplier only. This is useful if you want to look at products only from a single supplier. In other screens (e.g., the Purchase Order) this field is populated by default.
  • Product Type: If you have assigned Product Types to your products you can use this filter. For example, you can assign products a type of “Battery” and only those products will appear in the list when you choose Battery in this pulldown.

Tip: If a product has not been entered into inventory yet you can do so now and return to the order to select it. First close the search dialog then open the Product screen to create the item. 

Product Information – This section displays details about the currently selected product. You can click the Update Quantity button to see the current number of available items for this product. This is useful for hot selling items.

Custom Fields – You can specify the names of these fields in Preferences. The custom fields are displayed to give you extra information about the currently selected product.

Add to Order – Enter a quantity and click the Add to Order button to enter the product into the order (the search screen will not close so you can continue entering items).  Or click the Add to Order with Customization button to allow you to enter a message for the item when it is added.

Long Description – Displays the long description of the currently selected item.

Details… F2 - Click this button or press the F2 key to open a read only version of the product screen. This allows you to see ALL the information about a product including images etc.

Results Grid – This area updates as you search. You can select items from the grid, drag columns to change their order, drag headers into the dark blue area to change the sort order and  add/subtract columns from the grid using the Add Columns button (AddColumnsButton).


Note: Once you enter an item an order number is assigned and the order cannot be deleted.  You can Cancel an order by clicking the Orders text menu item at the top and choosing Cancel Order from the list. Items will be marked as CA (Canceled) and the order will be zeroed. If you need to you can also cancel any payments that were entered so the Amount Due for the order equals zero. Canceled orders are ignored by reports (unless you choose to include them), the Process Orders feature etc.

  1. After you enter a product you can right click it to make any edits, if necessary. You can:
  • Change the quantity (Qty) ordered

  • Change the Price

  • Enter a Discount (e.g., enter 10% as 10)

  • Enter a message for the selected item (click the Customize button  on the Items Detail tab in the lower left corner of the order screen and type anything you wish in the dialog that open. Your message will appear below the item on the invoice.)Note: Customize is different than the Order Message.
    Click here for more information on Customize.

  1. Status Codes: Items will be assigned different statuses in the St field. Each time a status changes the Date field next to it will show the date it changed. Statuses are as follows:

  • CM – Committed - The item has been deducted from inventory and applied to the order, but has not been Filled or Shipped yet.

  • FI – Filled - An invoice for the item has been printed. This status only appears when using the Process Orders feature to batch fulfill orders.

  • SH – Shipped - The item has been shipped to the customer. At this point you cannot edit or delete the item. To remove it from the order you can Return it.

  • BO – Backordered - The item is not available from inventory and is in backordered status. Depending on your settings in the Orders tab in Preferences the customer may or may not be charged for the item while in this status and the balance of item may or may not be allowed to be shipped before the backordered items are available. Click here to change Preferences.

  • RT – Returned - Returns show as a separate line item below the Shipped line item (i.e., The original item shows shipped and below it a returned item shows with a negative price). Returned items do not appear on invoices.

  • CA – Canceled - Any item may be canceled while in Committed, Filled or Backordered status. Canceled items do not appear on invoices.

  • D** - Any status preceded by a D is a Drop Ship item (e.g., DCM is drop ship commited). Drop ship items are those that you do not stock, but have another company ship for you. You can mark items as Drop Shipped on the Product Screen Stock Levels tab. These items are typically marked as Non-Inventory as well to avoid a backorder prompt when ordering.

  1. If you enter items directly into the top line of the grid (i.e., you do not use search) Tab to the next line or press the down arrow to complete the entry. If you do not have enough items in stock the following dialog will appear.

Click OK to backorder the items, or change the the quantity in the Commit field to force fill a quantity. You would typically do this only if you know you have items available that are not entered in inventory yet.

  1. You can continue to add items to the order by repeating steps 8 – 11. When you are done entering items you can continue pressing the Tab key until your cursor exits the product grid and appears on the Item Detail tab in the lower left corner of the screen. Or you can simply click on the next field you would like to edit.

Edit Items
Make changes to ordered items, force backorders, return and cancel items and mark items as shipped.

  1. If you need to make a change to an item after it is entered first click on the product number. Then click the Item button. Several options are available.

    You can perform any of the above on the selected item. A description of each option follows.

  • Change Item Qty/Price - change the Price field, enter a Discount and/or change the number ordered.

  • Mark Shipped - You can mark an individual item as shipped even if the rest of the items in the order have not been sent.

  • Fill Backorder - Use this fill an item with a status of BO. Its status will change to Committed (CM). This will only work if you have items available in stock.

  • Cancel Item - If an item has a status of CM, FI or BO you can cancel it. The status will change to CA and the item will not appear on the invoice or affect any totals.

  • Return Item - If an item has already been shipped you cannot cancel or delete it. Use the Return feature instead. A separate line item with a status of RT and a negative price will be created.

  • Cancel Changes to Item - If you have edited an item you may be able to cancel your changes with this function.

  • Delete Item - If an item is in CM, BO or RT status you can delete it with this function. Other statuses cannot be deleted to ensure the integrity of your audit trail. Use one of the other functions to Cancel or Return an item you cannot delete.

  • Force Backorder - Select an item in CM status and choose this option to change it to BO. This will add the committed item back to inventory so you can use it to fill another order.

  • Force Filled - Select a BO item and choose this function to change it to CM status. This will commit an item even if you do not have the inventory in stock. Note: inventory counts for the item will become negative.

Note: Similar functions are available under the Order button . These functions affect the entire order – not just the selected item.


Shipping Information

  1. After tabbing out of the product grid your cursor will be on the Item Detail tab in the lower left corner of the screen.  Hold Alt and press N to select theShipping tab, or simply click the tab with your mouse. Then tab to or click on the Ship Via field.

    Select a shipping method from the pull down. Click here to view or add a ship method and charges.

    Shipping charges will be calculated automatically based on the fees you set up for the chosen shipping method. If you wish, you can override the shipping charge by clicking on the Shipping field and typing a new amount.

    Note: If you have selected “Override Shipping for New Orders” in the orders tab of Preferences the shipping amount will not automatically calculate. You will need to enter a shipping charge manually. Click here to change Preferences.

    The Shipping tab also includes the following fields:

  • Ship COD - Check this box to indicate that the order will be paid upon delivery. Any COD charges you set up for that shipping method will be automatically added to the shipping charge on the order. Note: You may also wish to select a Payment method of COD in the Payment tab.

  • Gift Order - Check this box to indicate that this is a Gift Order. This is used by some reports. The Gift Order checkbox is automatically selected on Gift Recipient orders (orders added under the Gift tab). This checkbox is primarily available for master orders that may or may not be gifts.

  • Don’t hold for BO - Check this box to allow Committed items to be shipped ahead of backordered items. If unchecked no items will be shipped until all Backordered items have been filled. You can set this to default on or off in Preferences. Click here to change Preferences.

  • Tax Shipping - This is selected automatically based on your settings in the Sales Tax tables. It indicates whether sales tax is charged on the total order before or after shipping charges (some States require this). You can change this option in the Sales Tax Tables for each location you set up. Click here to edit Sales Tax Tables.

Payment Information
Enter single, multiple or installment payments, bill customers, use COD’s and charge credit cards.

Different versions of Mailware have different Payment tabs. Please click your Payment Tab below for detailed instructions:

Click here if your Payment tab looks like the above.

Click here if your Payment tab looks like the above.

Note: Depending on your version you will have one of the above forms for Payments. The Grid format (the first one above) appears in Version 2.0 Build 207 and later.

Use the instructions below if your Payment tab appears as follows (Click here if your Payment tab does NOT appear as below.)

  1. Click on the Payment tab to enter payment information (or Hold Alt and press N to switch to the Payment tab).

  1. To enter a new payment click the New… button. To edit an existing payment click the Edit… button.

  2. The following dialog will appear.

  1. Tab to or click on the Method field then use the down arrow or click the pull down to select a payment method. Available methods are described below (Click a method to jump to its instructions):

    • Credit - Credit Card

    • Check - Check or Money Order

    • Cash - Cash (Retail)

    • COD - Cash on Delivery

    • PO - Purchase Order

    • Bill - No immediate charge, Statement to follow

    • Invoice - Invoice to be sent with order

    • Gift Cert - Gift Certificate

    • Install - Installment Payments (Payment Plan)

Credit - Use this method for Credit Card payments.

  1. Open the Payment dialog as described above. Then select anAction of Sale or Credit.

    : You can process your credit card manually through your credit card software or terminal, or Sales and Credits can be processed directly from within Mailware if you are using a supported third-party credit card software package and have set it up in Preferences under the Credit Card tab. Click here to change Preferences.

  2. Enter the credit card Number. Or, click the  button to select from a list of previously used credit cards for this customer. The following dialog will open. You can select a card from the list or search by credit card number (Tip: Amex cards start with 3, Visa start with 4 and Mastercard start with 5).

  3. In the next field enter a Card Verification Value (CVV2) – the 3 or 4 digit number on the back of most cards, and the front of American Express.

  4. For credit card purchases you can enter an expiration date in the format mmyy (the / will be added for you).

  5. Accept the default Amount or enter an amount for this payment. For an Action of Credit use a negative number.

  6. Accept today’s Date or enter a date for the payment. Entering a future date will prevent a credit card charge or check from appearing in the Process Orders action until the date you enter.

  7. To apply a payment manually enter an Approval Code. For credit card approvals you can also automatically approve charges using the  button that appears after you have set up a supported third-party credit card software package in Preferences under the Credit Card tab. Click here to change Preferences.

    Note: If AVS billing information is different than on the customer’s account you can enter this information inCardholderStreet Address and Zip fields prior to approving the charge.

Check - Select this method for checks and money orders (Note: You can type MO or Money Order if you wish into the Method field).

  1. Open the Payment dialog as described above. Then select anAction of Sale (An action of Credit would not be typical, but is an option).

  2. Enter the check number in the Check No. field.

  3. Accept the default Amount or enter an amount for this payment. For an Action of Credit use a negative number.

  4. Accept today’s Date or enter a date for the payment. Entering a future date will prevent a check from appearing in the Process Orders action until the date you enter.

  5. To apply a payment manually enter an Approval Code. You can use the code returned by your check approval software, if applicable, or simply type any text you wish (e.g., your initials, the date approved etc.).

  6. If required, you can enter the following information as well. This is typically used when you will be exporting your checks for approval in a separate software package, or for tracking purposes in case the check is returned.

  • Bank - Enter the name of the bank as shown on the check.

  • Check No. - Enter the check number (same as Check No above.)

  • Routing No. - Enter the bank routing number as shown in the encoded line on the bottom of the check.

  • Account No. - Enter the checking account number as shown in the encoded line on the bottom of the check.

Cash - This is most often selected when Mailware is being used as a Point of Sale (POS) system. Click here for instructions on opening the Payment dialog as described above.

  1. Open the Payment dialog as described above. Then select anAction of Sale or Credit.

  2. Enter a number if appropriate in the Number field. This is an optional field, and is most likely useful for tracking purposes.

  3. Accept the default Amount or enter an amount for this payment. For an Action of Credit use a negative number.

  4. Accept today’s Date or enter a date for the payment. Entering a future date will prevent a check from appearing in the Process Orders action until the date you enter.

  5. Enter an Approval Code or simply click OK to close the dialog. An approval code of CASH will be entered automatically for you.

COD - If your customer is paying cash on delivery choose this method. You may also wish to choose Ship COD on the Shipping tab to have any additional shipping charges applied to the order. When you receive payment from the customer you can return to the order and add a new payment to record the receipt of funds and show the amount paid.

    Open the Payment dialog as described above

PO - If your customer gives you a Purchase Order number and pays later you can select this method and enter the PO number in theNumber field. When you receive payment from the customer you can return to the order and add a new payment to record the receipt of funds and show the amount paid.

    Open the Payment dialog as described above

Bill - If you bill your customer select this method. You can send Statements with orders or at a later date using one of the included Statement reports.

When you receive payment from the customer you can return to the order and add a new payment to record the receipt of funds and show the amount paid.

When you receive payment from the customer you can return to the order and add a new payment to record the receipt of funds and show the amount paid.

    Open the Payment dialog as described above

Invoice - Same as Bill above, but generally used when your customer pays from the Invoice included with the order and does not need to be billed again. Note: You can still create a statement for the customer with one of the above reports if they do not pay the invoice.

    Open the Payment dialog as described above

Gift Cert - Select to redeem a gift certificate. Enter the certificate number in the Number field. You can also enter an Approval Codeand Date of redemption.

    Open the Payment dialog as described above

Install - Use this method to enter installment payments in a payment plan.

  1. Open the Payment dialog as described above then select anAction of Sale or Credit.

  2. Select a Plan from the pulldown field. Note: You can create new plans by clicking the  button on the Order screen. Click here for instructions on setting up Installment Payment Plans.

  3. Click the  button to see the schedule of payments created by the Plan. A dialog similar to the following will appear:

    Click the  button to continue (or hold Alt and press S).

  4. Enter the credit card Number to be billed for each installment.Or, click the  button to select from a list of previously used credit cards for this customer.

  5. In the next field enter a Card Verification Value (CVV2) – the 3 or 4 digit number on the back of most cards, and the front of American Express.

  6. Enter an expiration date for the credit card in the format mmyy (the / will be added for you).

  7. Accept the default Amount for this payment (changing the payment is not recommended as the installment plan calculates each payment for you automatically).

  8. To charge the first payment immediately click the  button. Alternatively, you can authorize payments during the Process Orders action.

    : To use the Authorize feature you must have set up a supported third-party credit card software package in Preferences under the Credit Card tab. Click here to change Preferences.

    Note: If AVS billing information is different than on the customer’s account you can enter this information inCardholderStreet Address and Zip fields prior to approving the charge.

  9. Click the  button to close the dialog. Each installment payment will show up in the grid with its scheduled date.

    Note: The order will not be held for payment and may proceed normally through the Invoicing and Shipping stages of Process Orders. As each installment payment comes due it will appear automatically under Process Payments in the Process Orders action for authorization. Click here to run the Process Orders action.

  10. Click here to proceed to the Order Details instructions.

Use the instructions below if your Payment tab appears as follows (Click here if your Payment tab does NOT appear as below.)

  1. Click on the Payment tab to enter payment information (or Hold Alt and press N to switch to the Payment tab).

    1. Tab to or click on the Method field then use the down arrow or click the pull down to select a payment method. Available methods are described below.

  • Credit - Use this method for Credit Card payments.

  • Check - You can enter additional check information by clicking the  button and selecting Enter Check Info. The following dialog will appear.

  • Cash - This is most often selected when Mailware is being used as a Point of Sale (POS) system.

  • COD - If your customer is paying cash on delivery choose this method. You may also wish to choose Ship COD on theShipping tab to have any additional shipping charges applied to the order. When you receive payment from the customer you can return to the order and add a new payment to record the receipt of funds and show the amount paid.

  • PO - If your customer gives you a Purchase Order number and pays later you can select this method and enter the PO number in the Number field. When you receive payment from the customer you can return to the order and add a new payment to record the receipt of funds and show the amount paid.

  • Bill - If you bill your customer select this method. You can send Statements with orders or at a later date using one of the included Statement reports.

When you receive payment from the customer you can return to the order and add a new payment to record the receipt of funds and show the amount paid.

  • Invoice - Same as Bill above, but generally used when your customer pays from the Invoice included with the order and does not need to be billed again. Note: You can still create a statement for the customer with one of the above reports if they do not pay the invoice.

  • Gift Cert - Select to redeem a gift certificate. Enter the certificate number in the Number field.

  1. Accept today’s Date or enter a date for the payment. Entering a future date will not prevent a credit card charge or check from appearing in the Process Orders action. This field is used to record the actual application date of the payment.

  2. Next select an Action of Sale or Credit.

    Note: If selecting an Action of Credit and a Pay Method of Credit Card you will need to process the credit manually through your credit card software or terminal. Sales can be processed directly from within Mailware if you are using a supported third-party credit card software package and have set it up in Preferences under the Credit Card tab. Click here to change Preferences.

  3. Accept the default Amount or enter an amount for this payment. For an Action of Credit use a negative number.

    Note: You can enter multiple payments for an order. As you complete a payment click the  button and choose Save. Then click the  button again and choose New Payment.

  4. Enter the appropriate Number (credit card number, check number, PO number etc.).

    For credit card purchases you can enter an expiration date in the format mmyy (the / will be added for you) and a Card Verification Value (CVV2) – the 3 or 4 digit number on the back of most cards, and the front of American Express.

  5. To apply a payment manually enter an Approval Code. For credit card approvals you can also automatically approve charges using the  button that appears after you have set up a supported third-party credit card software package in Preferences under the Credit Card tab. Click here to change Preferences.

    For the following Pay Methods enter an approval code to show the order as paid.

  • Credit - Enter the approval code provided by your authorization service.

  • Check - Enter anything you wish (e.g., your initials)

  • Cash - Enter an approval code of “CASH”

  • Gift Cert - Enter anything you wish (e.g., your initials)

Other pay methods (Bill, PO, Invoice and COD) do not require an approval code. When you receive payments for these types return to the order and add a new payment (click the  button and choose New Payment) using one of the above pay methods.


Order Details
You can add messages to orders (and the invoice), assign sales reps, place holds and more.

  1. Some items in the Order Details dialog must be set up before you can choose them. To do so click the Setup button on the Order screen. The following menu will appear.

    When you select each item a dialog will open into which you can add your items. For example, in the Order Messages dialog you can create as many messages as you wish. To add an item press the Tab key, then type your message. Press the Tab key again to create another blank line, then click Close to save your changes.

    Items you add will appear in the pull down of the Order Details dialog so you can add them to your order. The items to be set up are:

  1. When entering an order you can open the Order Details dialog  to access different functions. To do so click the  button. The following dialog will open.

In this dialog you can add the following items to your order.

  • Order Message 1 - This message appears on the invoice below the items ordered. To select a message you must first set one up as described above.

  • Order Message 2 - This message does not appear on the invoice. It is useful for internal notes. Order Message 2 appears on 2 pick list reports - R4150 Pick List – Detail and R4160 Pick List – by Order No so you can add shipping instructions. To select a message you must first set one up as described above.

  • Alternate Order # 1 and 2 - These order numbers are useful if you assign an order number from a different source (e.g., web orders often have their own order number). These fields are searchable from the order screen. Imported orders usually include these fields automatically.

  • Sales Rep - Assign a sales rep to an order for commissions, reference purposes etc. Sales reps are set up as Operator ID’s in the Mailware Professionals table. Click here to add an Operator ID for a Sales Rep.

  • Priority - Create priority codes for orders and select them here (e.g., Rush, Preferred Customer etc.). The Priority appears on 2 pick list reports - R4150 Pick List – Detail and R4160 Pick List – by Order No.

  • Terms - If you bill your customers you can assign terms to the order (e.g., Net 30). These terms appear on invoices and reportR5221 Statement with Terms.

  • Order Source -  The origin of your orders (web, phone, mail etc.) This field appears on 2 pick list reports - R4150 Pick List – Detail and R4160 Pick List – by Order No

  • Hold Order - Check this box and enter the date you want the hold removed. Hold orders do not appear in the Process Orders action until the day after the hold expires. You can still manually fill and ship the order if you wish.

  • Gift Messages – These 2 message fields are used with the Gift Order feature. See the help topic Take a Gift Order.

Print an Invoice and Label
After the order is entered you can print an invoice and shipping label. You can print for the current order, or in batches.

  1. To print an invoice for the current order simply press the F10 key or click the Reports button and select Print Invoice from the menu.

    A preview of the report will appear (unless you selected in the Data Entry tab in Preferences to print instead of Preview). Click here to change Preferences.

  2. To print the report click the  icon, or choose File>Print Report from the text menu.

  3. To print a label for the order hold the Ctrl key and press F10 or choose Print Label from the Reports button. You will be prompted for the position of the label (1 -10). This report uses Avery 5163 format labels (2 across, 5 down). For more details see L1270 This Label.

    Alternatively, you can select report S1000 This Order Label 5160 to print an Avery 5163 label (3 across, 10 down) in any position (1 – 30).

  4. To print Invoices and Labels in batches select one of the following reports from the  button. For more information about a report click on it below.

You can also print the following invoice and labels during the Process Orders Action.

Manually Filling Orders
You can use the Process Orders Action to batch fill orders. Click here to run the Process Orders action.

You can also manually fill any individual order. Manually filled orders will not appear in Process Orders (unless they are only partially filled – then they will appear in the appropriate step).

  1. To manually fill an order first follow the Print an Invoice and Label steps above.

  2. Click the Order button, and choose the Mark All Shipped item.

    Statuses for all Committed (CM) items in the order will be changed to Shipped (SH) and the ship date will show today’s date (which you can change if you wish).

  3. If any items are in different statuses you can edit them as described above inEdit Items, and then mark them shipped if appropriate.

  4. You’re done! Click the  button to close the order screen. Or, click  to enter a new order.

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