Add/Edit a Product
Add a new product to your inventory, or change an existing one.
What’s New?
- Serialized Inventory
- Multiple Companies
- Multiple Product Substitution
- Extra UPC fields
- Minimum Advertised Price
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- To access the Products feature click on the Inventory icon on the Mailware Explorer.
- This will bring up the Products screen.
- To search for an existing product click on the
icon or press Ctrl-F this will open the product search screen.
- You can search for a product by keying in text into the Product Number, Description, or Long Description fields and click on the
- If you check on the Real-Time Incremental Search check box the product search will happen real time. NOTE: You can also set this feature to be the default behavior by selecting the check box in Tools->Preferences under the Orders tab.
- The Full Text Search feature searches the Product Number, Description and Long Description fields for the text that you enter in that field and click on the
button next to the full text search field. NOTE: You can also set this field to be the default field when the search screen is opened by selecting the check box in Tools->Preferences under the Orders tab.
- You can also filter the records in the grid by selecting the Supplier or the Product Type from the drop downs.
- Once you have found the product you are looking for, you can either click on it in the grid view and click on the OK button or double click on the product.
- You can click on the
button and the software will create a new record in the Products table and close the search screen.
- Clicking on the
will open up the selected product in a new products screen.
- If you have Subproducts set up in the software, click on the
tab. This will show you the following dialog
The grid view will show all of the products in your database that are subproducts.
- To narrow your search select the Subproduct code from the drop down.
- The available options dialog will be populated with the options that were set up when creating the subproducts.
As you select the available options from the drop downs, the grid details will filter the product listing until you have selected the options you want. When you have located the product, click on the OK button to open the product.
- To narrow your search select the Subproduct code from the drop down.
- You can search for a product by keying in text into the Product Number, Description, or Long Description fields and click on the
- To add a new product click on the
button. This will create a new blank record in the products table.
- Product # – Enter up to 20 characters (numbers and/or text). This field is automatically capitalized so you can easily find the product later. You can also wand a bar code into this field. This is the primary key for the products table you cannot enter in a duplicate product number.
- Name – Enter in a short name for the product this can be up to 100 characters in length.
- Description – Enter up to 255 characters to help you identify this product when viewing your inventory.
- Long Description – You can enter an unlimited length description of the item. This description can be viewed during order entry from the Product Lookup dialog when adding items to the order.
- Order Message – Enter up to a 50 character message that will be displayed when the product is selected during an order. It is a convenient way to add reminders to products (for example: “This item requires batteries.”).
- Supplier- Select a vendor from the Supplier field pull down list to associate the product with its supplier. If you have not added the supplier yet, you can make the association later by editing the product.
- If a supplier provides you with several products, enter the supplier first then, while in the Product Supply Vendor form, click the
button. Each product you add will be associated with that vendor.
- If you have multiple suppliers for the same product you can add them in the Suppliers tab.
- If a supplier provides you with several products, enter the supplier first then, while in the Product Supply Vendor form, click the
- Product Type – Select a type if applicable, from the pulldown list, or create a new one with the Setup button. Product Types can be used in reports to group like items.
- Master Code – This field is used to associate a product with a sub-product.
- Option Text – This field is used for sending up the options to Mailware Web.
- Retail Price – This is the amount that will be charged to customers with a Pricing Level of Retail (or none) when taking an order. You may override this price on the order entry form for any item by simply typing the new price.
- Wholesale Price – This is the amount that will be charged to customers with a Pricing Level of Wholesale when taking an order. You may override this price on the order entry form for any item by simply typing the new price.
- Price 3 – This is the amount that will be charged to customers with a Pricing Level of Price 3 when taking an order. You may override this price on the order entry form for any item by simply typing the new price.
- Price 4 – This is the amount that will be charged to customers with a Pricing Level of Price 4 when taking an order. You may override this price on the order entry form for any item by simply typing the new price.
- By Quantity - Clicking on the
button next to the price fields opens the quantity discount screen.
From this screen you can set quantity discounts for each price level.
- By Source Key - Click
button to set pricing that is used when a specific Ad Source Key is selected for an order.
- For each Source Key you may enter a Price that is charged for the item, and any Quantity Discounts you wish. This price will override any of the Retail, Wholesale, Price3 or Price4 prices already assigned to the product when the Source Key is selected during order entry.
- Mix & Match – Enter a code here in all the Product Numbers for which you wish to share a quantity discount. For example, you could enter MATCH into the Mix & Match field for products A, B and C and assign quantity discounts to them. If your first price break quantity is at 5 units then the customer could order 5 in any combination of these items to get the discount (e.g., 2 Product A, 1 Product B and 2 Product C = 5 units).
- Tax Exempt – Use this check box if you want the product to be tax exempt.
- Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) – If your products have a MAP value then you can enter it here.
- Weight – Enter a weight for this item in pounds. Do not round weights to the nearest pound. You can use the weight calculator
to convert ounces to pounds. Note: When the product is the master product of an assembly the software will add this value to the weight of each item in the assembly.
- Ship Extra Chg – Enter any additional shipping charge to the customer for this item (for example, oversized items). When a customer orders this product, the extra shipping charge will be added to the shipping field in addition to any other shipping charges.
- Ship Cost – Enter your cost to ship this item. This figure is used in reports that estimate your total shipping costs.
- Ships in Own Box - Indicates this item is to be shipped alone. This is a True/False field. You can specify in reports to display this information so your shipping personnel know to pack the item separately.
- Calculate Insurance - Mailware can calculate shipping insurance on individual items if applicable. Check this box to have this item included in the calculation. Note: You will also need to set the insurance calculation in Preferences under the Orders tab. Click the Special Items button then the Shipping Insurance tab.
- Check the Automatically calculate shipping insurance check box and enter a Rate ($ per $100 – .90 = 90 cents per 100 dollars). You also need to create a product in your inventory and select it in the Product Code pulldown. When you create the item enter a Retail price of $0.00 and check the Non Inventory checkbox on the Stock Levels tab.
When a marked item is added to an order a line item will be added for shipping insurance using the rate and Product Code you specify.Note: Insurance will be charged at your Rate times the Subtotal of the order. If this value is less than your rate than the rate will be used (e.g. If your rate is $.90 per $100 and your order is less than $100 then $.90 will be added to the order).
- Check the Automatically calculate shipping insurance check box and enter a Rate ($ per $100 – .90 = 90 cents per 100 dollars). You also need to create a product in your inventory and select it in the Product Code pulldown. When you create the item enter a Retail price of $0.00 and check the Non Inventory checkbox on the Stock Levels tab.
Stock Levels
Enter quantities, stock types, reorder thresholds and costs.
- Find or Add a product as described above.
- Click the Stock Levels tab
- The following screen will open.
- Non Inventory Item – Check this field if you do not track stock levels for this product. This will also prevent backorders during order entry.
Tip: You can create other Non-Inventory items to add to orders (e.g., Discounts, Gift Certificates etc.). - Drop Ship Item – Check this field if you do not stock this item, but have a third party ship it to your customer. You should also check the Non Inventory Item box unless you wish to maintain quantities for this product.
- Discontinued – Check this box to indicate the item is no longer available for sale. Orders will be allowed for the product until quantities reach zero (you should also check the Do not Allow Backorders checkbox to prevent backorders).
- Backorder Without Prompting – If checked when the item is ordered it will be marked as backordered without the dialog that prompts the operator to approve the backorder or force fill the item.
- Allow Substitution – When checked this item may be replaced by another item in inventory. Click the Settings button to select the item that will replace it and to specify if the substitution occurs when the item is out of stock and/or discontinued. You can also specify whether the operator will receive a notice that the substitution has taken place.
Tip: This feature can also be used to create Aliases for a product if, for example, you offer a single product number that can be ordered under several different product numbers. - In Stock – When creating a product, enter the current number of items you have on hand. Thereafter, In Stock quantities are calculated automatically by Mailware when you take orders, process refunds and Receive Inventory and Adjust Inventory. Note: Also see the multiple locations field below.
- Details – Click the
button to open the following dialog.
It lists the counts of this product in various statuses on individual orders (e.g., The number Backordered).
- Committed – Shows the count of this item that have been ordered by customers and are currently in Committed (CM) status on individual orders. Committed items are removed from the available In Stock quantity.
- Backordered – Shows the count of this item currently backordered on individual orders. This count will not be deducted from the In Stock amount until you fill backorders.
- Filled – Shows the count of this item that have been invoiced on individual orders, but not yet shipped.
- Shipped – Shows the count of this item that have been shipped on individual orders.
- Returned – Shows the count of this item that have been returned on individual orders. Returned items are automatically returned to inventory.
- Canceled – Shows the count of this item that have been canceled on individual orders. Canceled items are automatically returned to inventory.
- Total – The total of all listed items in the dialog.
- Multiple Locations - Check this box to turn off the In Stock field and use separate locations for tracking of item quantities.
- To create locations click Setup on the Product screen then select Locations…
- In the dialog above enter as many different locations as you need. You may enter Warehouses, Bins etc. or any combination of these. You can also set the priority in the Preference field. Quantities in the first location will be depleted before each subsequent location.
- After setting up locations you can enter quantities in each by clicking the Locations button on the Product screen. Select the locations you created from the drop down and enter the number In Stock for each.
- Non-Inventory – You can set a location to be a non-inventory location. An example of this would be a fulfillment warehouse or Amazon FBA.
- Drop Ship – If you select this option, a drop ship order will be created if this location is selected.
- Not Available For Sale – Select this option if you want to reserve items for returns or for building assemblies.
- To create locations click Setup on the Product screen then select Locations…
- Customize – Click the
button to open a memo form you can use to add information to the product that can be viewed and edited during an order (by using the Customize button on the Item Detail tab on the Order Entry screen). This is especially useful for capturing descriptors like monograms, shipping instructions etc. Information typed in this memo form will print on invoices, work orders etc.
- Extras – Click the
button to open the following dialog
- Bin – This is the field where you can assign a bin location to the product.
- Custom Fields 1 – 5 - These fields can be used to store any additional information about your products. Note: The field names can be changed in Tools->Preferences under the Products tab.
- ISBN – Use this field for storing the ISBN for publications. Data can be inserted into this field using a scanner and scanning the ISBN.
- UPC,UPC2 and UPC3 – Use these fields for storing UPC’s for products. Data can be inserted into these fields using a scanner and scanning the bar codes from the products.
- Manufacturer’s ID. – This is the original manufacturer’s product number (as opposed to the supplier’s number or your own).
- Supplier Product No. – This is your supplier’s product number for this item if it is different than yours. This number can be printed on purchase orders even if you create the PO with your product numbers.
- Supplier Description – This description can also appear on the PO to help your vendor identify the item you are ordering.
- Supplier Price – The price the supplier charges you for the item.
- Duty Percent - Enter a percent you, or the customer, expect to pay when shipping out of the country.
- Preferred Currency – Use the Setup text menu item on the Product screen to create your ISO Codes, then select the preferred currency code for this product here.
- Tarriff Code – A freeform field for any tariff codes that apply to this product.
- Royalty Item – Check to indicate that royalties are paid to a third party when this item is sold.
- Preferred Ship Method – Select any of the ship methods you have set up in your Shipping tables. This is the method this item should by shipped by.
- Max Ship Items – Then maximum number of items that may ship in a box.
- Backorder Message – This message appears on the order when this product is backordered.
- Unit of Measure – Use this field to define how this product is shipped for example each, gallon, doz, lb etc.
- ImageURLLarge – Use this to store the URL to the large image of the product.
- ImageURLSmall – Use this to store the URL to the small image of the product.
- VIN Number Required – Check this box to require that a Vehicle Identification Number be associated with this product before it is shipped. Mailware also includes a Vehicle Identification Number tracking system you can use to ensure Titles are received and sent to the customer.
- Serialized Inventory – Click on the Stock Levels tab from the Products screen as described above.
- Check the
box if you want to track the serial numbers of individual products that you sell (cell phones, cameras etc). When this option is checked, you will be prompted during Receive Inventory to scan in the serial numbers for those items. Clicking the
button will show you the Serial Numbers dialog box
This will list all of the serialized items for the selected product you have in stock, when they were received and who received them.
- These serial numbers are removed from the list when they are scanned during as part of the Box Scanning feature.
- Check the
- Generate Gift Cert. – Check this box to create a product you can sell as a Gift Certificate. Mailware will create a unique random number and track its use. Customers can mail in certificates or use the number online. Certificates may be used all at once, or in multiple purchases. Click the
button to open a dialog where you can specify how your certificate number is generated.
You can specify a prefix, suffix, code length and whether the random number will contain numbers, letters or both. In the sample below a possible generated code could be: ABC54C1Q.
- On Mailware Web – If you use our ecommerce package, or if you export your products to your own system, check this box to indicate that this item is available for sale on the web.
- Subscription – If the product is a subscription item, check the check box. To set up the item as a subscription item check the
button the following dialog will be displayed.
- Frequency – This is how often this product is delivered, you can choose between Weekly, Annually,Monthly, or Days.
- Start Day – This is specifically for weekly subscriptions where 1 is for Monday, 2 is for Tuesday, etc.
- Duration – How many times this products is going to be shipped before it expires. For instance a years subscription for a item that is delivered monthly will have a duration of 12.
- Automatic Renewal - Check this box if the subscription will automatically renew after it expires. This will automatically generate another invoice for the customer when the subscription expires.
- Ship Product No- Use the drop down box to select the product that will be shipped with each order generated.
- Quantity – This is the number of the above products that are going to be shipped with each order.
- Preorder – Use this option if this product will be delivered at a later date.
- Ship Date – Use this field to set when the product is going to be delivered
- Message – Use this field to display a message in the order about the product
- Company Override – This feature allows specific products to be associated with specific companies select the company from the drop down menu. Clicking the
button will open the Company Setup dialog box.
- Reorder At – Enter the quantity this item may reach before Mailware reminds you in report R4130 Products to Reorderto order more. You can also specify a Reorder Quantity and expected Reorder Price. These items will be entered automatically on Purchase Orders, but can be edited, when you order this product from your vendor.
- If your vendor has quantity discounts, click on the
button, this will open up the Quantity Discounts from Supplier dialog box.
- When a purchase order is made for a product that has quantity discounts the software will apply the discount to the purchase order.
- If your vendor has quantity discounts, click on the
- On Order and On Backorder quantities and dates are entered automatically by Purchase Orders when you create them. You can enter beginning amounts into these fields if applicable.
- Soft Allocated – Used for third party inventory management systems.
- Hard Allocated - Used for third party inventory management systems.
- Standard Cost – Enter a cost for this item. This amount will not change unless you edit it.
- Average Cost – Enter a beginning cost for this product. As you receive inventory Mailware calculates your average cost automatically and updates it here.
Create kits from individual items in your inventory.
Assemblies are collections of various products in your inventory. You can create a product, for example – BLACKBERRY KIT, and add all the items from your inventory that make up the kit(charger, case, etc.). When you take an order you can select just the BLACKBERRY KIT and the other items will be added automatically.
- Add Component Products to be the parts of your assembly. For example, you can add a Blackberry, a Charger and a case, then assign these to an Master Assembly Product called Blackberry Kit. Component products are created the same way as ordinary products (as described under the Add/Edit a Producthelp topic).
- Note: For each item you can optionally enter a Retail and/or a Wholesale price. These prices will be used when you sell the items separately. In the assembly prices for individual items will be added together to create a total price for your assembly based on the price level of the customer (e.g., a Retail customer will receive the sum of the retail prices).
If you set prices for the Master Assembly Product they will be used in addition to the individual component prices. You can override individual component prices on the Master Assembly Product – details are below.
- Note: For each item you can optionally enter a Retail and/or a Wholesale price. These prices will be used when you sell the items separately. In the assembly prices for individual items will be added together to create a total price for your assembly based on the price level of the customer (e.g., a Retail customer will receive the sum of the retail prices).
- Add a Master Assembly Product. After you have created the components of your assembly, you can create a master product that groups these items into a new product.
- On the Product tab enter a Product # that identifies the assembly (e.g., BLACKBERRY KIT). You can also enter a description, a long description etc. if you wish (as described under the Add/Edit a Product help topic).
- If you would like to set a price for the entire product enter it into the Retail Price and/or Wholesale fields. You can leave these blank if you prefer to have the price calculated based on the individual items in the assembly tab.
- Click the Stock Levels tab
- Enter an In Stock amount or check the Non-Inventory Item check box if you do not need to keep track of quantities.
- Click the Assembly tab
A blank screen will appear where you can enter your previously created components.
- To add products to the assembly, start typing the Product Number or press F2 to launch the product search screen.
- Quantity – Enter the number of this item that are part of this assembly.
- Enter a Retail and/or Wholesale price if you wish. One of these amounts (depending on the customer’s type) will be added to the total price of the assembly. If you do not want the component price to be added to total enter a Zero (0.00). This will override the price on the separate component. If you enter zeroes for all the components only the price on the Master product will be charged.
- Discount – Enter a discount, if you wish, as a whole number (e.g., 10 = 10%). The discount will be applied to the price of the item. Typically you would not also enter a price in the step above. The price from the component product itself will be used and discounted.
- Continue adding parts to the assembly (you can use the Tab or Down Arrow keys on your keyboard to add additional items, or you can click the
button). If you enter an item you do not need use the
button to remove it.
- If you sell items separately and as part of an assembly you can enter the separate item prices on each product. Then, on the Assembly tab of the Master Assembly Product you can enter the discounted price you charge when they are part of the assembly, or enter a zero to just use the total price from the Master Assembly Product. You can also manually override any amount on the order itself.
- Each item of the assembly will print separately on the invoice and pick list report. You can use these to properly pull inventory and fill orders.
- If a part of assembly is out of stock it will be backordered automatically (although you can override the backorder). You may wish to manually backorder each of the other items as well with the Force Backorder option in the Item button.
You can associated multiple suppliers for all of your products through the Suppliers tab in the products screen.
- Click on the Suppliers tab
- The following screen will be displayed
- To add a new supplier for your product, click on the
button at the bottom of the grid. This will add a new blank row.
- In the new record click on the Supplier field and select the supplier from the
- Tab through the fields and add them.
- Supplier Product #-This is the suppliers product number. This will show up on the purchase order
- Supplier Price- The Suppliers Price. This will show up on the purchase order.
- Unit of Measure – This is the optional unit of measure for the product.
- Min Qty- This is the optional minimum order quantity for this supplier.
- Breakdown-This is the optional breakdown quantity.
- Discount- Enter the optional discount percentage.
- Discount Amount- This is the optional discount currency amount.
- Manuracturer ID- This is the optional Manufacturers product number.
- Suppliers Description- Enter in the suppliers description of the product, this will show up on the purchase order
- Notes- This is an optional place to put notes.
- When you are done click on the
button to save the record.
- If you want to delete a supplier record select the record that you want to delete and click on the
- The following screen will be displayed
You can associate files and pictures with all of your products through the Attachments tab in the products screen.
- lick on the Attachments tab
- The following screen will be displayed
- To add a new attached file or image press on the
button in the grid toolbar. This will add another record to the grid.
- Tab through the fields to add information to the grid.
- File Name- This is the file name of the file/image you are attaching. This is automatically populated when the file is attached.
- Description- This is an optional description of the item that you are attaching.
- Type- Select the type of file you are attaching from the drop down list, the choices are File or Picture
- Add File…- Click on the
icon in the field this will open up a file dialog in the default directory similar to
- Select the file you want to attach and click on the Open button. When you have successfully attached a file your screen will look similar to
- You can click on the
button to view the file in its associated application.
- To add images the process is the same except you select Picture from the Type field and click on the
field in the Add Picture … field. This will open the file dialog box with a filter for images.
- Click on the Open button and your attachment screen will look similar to
- The following screen will be displayed
The setup for each product channel varies for each channel. However, before you can set up any product associations with your channels you have to set up the accounts through the Channel tab in the Tools->Preferences screen. However, for all channels you need to set up the following. For more details click on the MCM documentation.
- Create an Operator ID for each channel.
- Set up the account login credentials in Tools->Preferences Channels tab
For more details click on the MCM documentation.
- Amazon
- Click on the Amazon Tab
- The Amazon channel screen will then show up.
- Select the Amazon account from the Account drop down list.
- Add the SKU.
- This is the Amazon Seller SKU. In order for the orders downloading from Amazon this has to match exactly to the Seller SKU. In other words, if the product on Amazon is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the Seller SKU is in ALL CAPS on your Seller Central Account then you can check the
check box.
- This is the Amazon Seller SKU. In order for the orders downloading from Amazon this has to match exactly to the Seller SKU. In other words, if the product on Amazon is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the Seller SKU is in ALL CAPS on your Seller Central Account then you can check the
- Add the ASIN this is the unique identifier that is created by Amazon. If your products are unique on your Amazon store, in other words one ASIN for each product then you can run the Amazon product import as discussed in the MCM documentation.
- When you select a channel to assign a product to, Mailware assigns the retail price from the Product tab to the channel listing. If you want to upload a different price to Amazon, uncheck the Use Current Retail Price and change the price in the Price field.
- The In Stock quantity defaults to the In Stock quantity from the Stock Levels tab. If you want to upload a different quantity to Amazon, uncheck the Use Current In Stock Quantity field and change the stock quantity in the In Stock field.
- If the product is on sale check the
box and add the Sale Price and set the start date and end date for the sale in the Sale Start Dt and Sale End Dt fields.
- Sales Tax Code- This should be set to A_GEN_TAX
- Repricing Model ID- This field is used if you also have a ChannelMax account.
- Folder ID-
- Leadtime to Ship-Select the number of days from the download.
- Launch Date-Use this field to set when the product will be available for sale. If it is left blank the product will be available immediately (as long as there is a quantity in stock).
Allow gift message option- Select this check box if the product can include a gift message.
- Allow giftwrap option- Select this check box if the product includes an option to giftwrap.
- Amazon Fulfilled Item- Check this box if the product is fulfilled by Amazon.
- Condition-Use this drop down to select the item condition. The following table lists the conditions
- Used; Like New
- Used; Very Good
- Used; Good
- Used; Acceptable
- Collectible; Like New
- Collectible; Very Good
- Collectible; Good
- Collectible; Acceptable
- Used; Refurbished (for Electronics and Camera & Photo only)
- Refurbished (for Computers, Kitchen & Housewares, Electronics, and Camera & Photo only)
- New
- Item Note..- Click on the
to add notes for used products.
- Click on the
button to save the channel listing.
- Click on the
button to add a new listing for the same product.
- The
button toggles a product from InActive to active.
- The
button toggles a product from Active to InActive.
- The
marks the listing for deletion from Amazon.
- If you want to delete a listing from the grid, select the listing and press Ctrl-D or select File->Delete.. from the text menu.
- The
will open the selected listing in a browser.
- After creating the listing your Amazon Channel tab will look similar to this
- Click on the Amazon Tab
- eBay
- Click on the eBay Tab
- The eBay channel screen will show up
- Select the eBay account from the Account drop down list.
- Add the SKU.
- This is the Custom Field in the Ebay list. In order for the orders downloading from eBay this has to match exactly to the Custom Field. In other words, if the product on Custom Field is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the Custom Field is in ALL CAPS on your eBay Account then you can check the
check box.
- This is the Custom Field in the Ebay list. In order for the orders downloading from eBay this has to match exactly to the Custom Field. In other words, if the product on Custom Field is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the Custom Field is in ALL CAPS on your eBay Account then you can check the
- The Category #, Price, In Stock, On Sale, and Sale Price are currently not used and are reserved for when eBay product upload a is available.
- Click on the
button to save the channel listing.
- Click on the
button to add a new listing for the same product.
- The
button toggles a product from InActive to active.
- The
button toggles a product from Active to InActive.
- The
marks the listing for deletion from the channel.
- If you want to delete a listing from the grid, select the listing and press Ctrl-D or select File->Delete.. from the text menu.
- Click on the eBay Tab
- Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA)
- Click on the Fulfillment By Amazon Tab
- The Amazon Fulfillment By Amazon channel screen will then show up.
- Select the Fulfillment By Amazon account from the Account drop down list.
- Add the SKU.
- This is the Amazon Seller SKU. In order for the orders downloading from Amazon this has to match exactly to the Seller SKU. In other words, if the product on Amazon is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the Seller SKU is in ALL CAPS on your Seller Central Account then you can check the
check box.
- This is the Amazon Seller SKU. In order for the orders downloading from Amazon this has to match exactly to the Seller SKU. In other words, if the product on Amazon is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the Seller SKU is in ALL CAPS on your Seller Central Account then you can check the
- Click on the
button to save the channel listing.
- Click on the
button to add a new listing for the same product.
- The
button toggles a product from InActive to active.
- The
button toggles a product from Active to InActive.
- The
marks the listing for deletion from the channel.
- If you want to delete a listing from the grid, select the listing and press Ctrl-D or select File->Delete.. from the text menu.
- Click on the Fulfillment By Amazon Tab
- Click on the tab
- The screen will show up
- Select the channel account from the Account drop down list.
- Add the Reference ID.
- This is the same Reference ID that is used to identify your product in your account. In order for the orders downloading from this has to match exactly to the Reference ID. In other words, if the product on is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the reference ID field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The Reference ID’s are case sensitive. If the Reference ID is in ALL CAPS on your Account then you can check the
check box.
- This is the same Reference ID that is used to identify your product in your account. In order for the orders downloading from this has to match exactly to the Reference ID. In other words, if the product on is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the reference ID field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The Reference ID’s are case sensitive. If the Reference ID is in ALL CAPS on your Account then you can check the
- Add the UPC for the Product.
- Note: This is required for inventory updates.
- Click on the
button to save the channel listing.
- Click on the
button to add a new listing for the same product.
- The
button toggles a product from InActive to active.
- The
button toggles a product from Active to InActive.
- The
marks the listing for deletion from the channel.
- If you want to delete a listing from the grid, select the listing and press Ctrl-D or select File->Delete.. from the text menu.
- The UPC, Price, Leadtime to Ship, Condition and Description are currently not used and are reserved for when product upload a is available.
- Click on the tab
- Volusion
- Click on the Volusion tab
- The screen will show up
- Select the Volusion account from the Account drop down list.
- Add the SKU.
- This is the same SKU that is used to identify your product in your Volusion store. In order for the orders downloading from your Volusion store this has to match exactly to the SKU in this field. In other words, if the product on your Volusion store is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the SKU in your Volusion store is in ALL CAPS then you can check the
check box.
- This is the same SKU that is used to identify your product in your Volusion store. In order for the orders downloading from your Volusion store this has to match exactly to the SKU in this field. In other words, if the product on your Volusion store is called Abc123, it must be called Abc123 in the SKU field in this screen and not ABC123 or aBc123 or Abc-123. The SKU’s are case sensitive. If the SKU in your Volusion store is in ALL CAPS then you can check the
- Category #- This is a required field for uploading the product to the Volusion store. To determine what category number to use check your Volusion administrative panel.
- Price - When adding a new channel listing Mailware defaults to using the current retail price. If you want Volusion to upload a different price, uncheck the
check box and edit the price field.
- In Stock- Enter in the stock quantity that you want to upload to your Volusion store. If you always want to upload the Mailware in stock quantity to Volusion check the
- On Sale- Check this box if you want to offer a sale price on the product.
- Sale Price- If you select the On Sale check box add the sale price into this field.
- Click on the
button to save the channel listing.
- Click on the
button to add a new listing for the same product.
- The
button toggles a product from InActive to active.
- The
button toggles a product from Active to InActive.
- The
marks the listing for deletion from the channel.
- If you want to delete a listing from the grid, select the listing and press Ctrl-D or select File->Delete.. from the text menu.
- Click on the Volusion tab
- Other SQL Based Channels
- Below are general setup instructions for the other channels not mentioned in this document. As of Build 1116 these instructions apply to the following carts.
- Magento
- OS Commerce
- X-Cart
- Zen Cart
- Custom (MySQL)
- Custom (SQL Server)
- Select the channel tab that you will be adding the product to
- This will show the following screen
- Select the channel account you are adding the product to from the Account drop down.
- Add the SKU, this is the Product that you want to upload to the cart, it is also the alias for orders that are downloaded from the cart. This is case sensitive, so you must match exactly what will be downloaded if this product is ordered. In other words, if the product on the cart is called Abc123, the SKU field must show Abc123 and not ABC123 (the default Mailware product number) . If you are adding a new product to the store, then select the
- Category #- This is the category number that this product will be associated with on the store. To determine this value depends on the channel and the specific implementation of the channel.
- Price - When adding a new channel listing Mailware defaults to using the current retail price. If you want the channel to upload a different price, uncheck the
check box and edit the price field.
- In Stock- Enter in the stock quantity that you want to upload to your store. If you always want to upload the Mailware in stock quantity to the channel check the
- On Sale- Check this box if you want to offer a sale price on the product.
- Sale Price- If you select the On Sale check box add the sale price into this field.
- Click on the
button to save the channel listing.
- Click on the
button to add a new listing for the same product.
- The
button toggles a product from InActive to active.
- The
button toggles a product from Active to InActive.
- The
marks the listing for deletion from the channel.
- If you want to delete a listing from the grid, select the listing and press Ctrl-D or select File->Delete.. from the text menu.
- NOTES: Most of this type of store (channel) support full implementation of the MCM. This means, downloading orders, uploading tracking numbers (shipping confirmation) and product upload. However, there are some carts that do not support all three data transfers. Below are some known issues with specific carts
- X-Cart-Due to the complex nature of the database schema used in X-Cart, it is not possible to do a full product upload. What Mailware can do is update existing products (prices, in stock quantities) but cannot add new products.
- Below are general setup instructions for the other channels not mentioned in this document. As of Build 1116 these instructions apply to the following carts.
UNDER THE HOOD: As is the case with any inventory management system, the Products table is at the center of it operations. The Products table interacts directly with the following tables Discounts, Supplier, ProdType, LocStock,Location, Subscription, Assembly, ProductSuppliers, ProductAttachments and ChannelListings. It is important to note that with your installation of Mailware, not all of these tables will have data in them.
When you click on the New product button, the software creates a blank record in the Products table. The product number is entered and Mailware will capitalize what is entered into the Product # field. It is important to understand that this field is the primary key in the table and if you key in a product number that is already in Mailware it will through an error message. The supplier drop down is populated with a list of the suppliers from the suppliers table. When you select a supplier from the list the associated SupplierNo is added to the SupplierNo field in the Products table. The Product Type drop down is populated with the Description field from the ProdType table. When, the product type is selected, the associated ProductCode is added to the ProdType field in the Product table. If you have subproducts set up in Mailware, the Master Code dropdown is populated with a list of all of the distinct MasterCodes from the SubProducts table. When a MasterCode is selected that value is populated in the Serial field of the products table.
Quantity pricing is handled in the Discounts table. Depending on what type of discount pricing you select, Retail, Wholesale, Price3, Price4, By Source Key or Reorder Price , the data are put into the table in the following manner. When a new record is added to the Discounts table, a new record is added to the table and the DiscountNo field is populated with the next number in the sequence, the ProductNo is pulled from the current record in the Products table and the PriceLevel is populated with the type of price level (Retail,Wholesale, Price3,Price4, Source Cod, or Reorder Pr); the From Qty, To Qty and Unit Price fields are populated from the Discounts dialog box for volume discounts and the Source Key, is populated from the Ads table.
Item substitutions are added to the SubstProductNo,SubstProductNo2, SubstOrductNo3 fields in the Products table.
When an Assembly (Kit) is created a record is added to the with the ProductNo of the master product is added to the ProductNo field in the Assembly table. When an assembly item is selected from the Product No list in the interface that productNo is added to the AddProductNo field in the Assembly table. If the price fields are left blank the software will use the retail prices for each individual product in the Kit in addition to the master kit price. If you want the Kit price to be just the Master product price set the price fields to zero.
When multiple suppliers are used the ProductNo for the current product is added to the ProductNo field in the ProductSuppliers table. The SupplierNo is populated from the drop down list in the interface showing a list of the Suppliers in the system. The ProductSuppliersNo is an autoincrementing field. The remaining values in the Suppliers tab correspond to the fields in the ProductSuppliers table.
If files are attached to a product the data regarding the attached files are stored in the ProductAttachments table. The actual data is stored in the Attachments/Products folder. When a file is attached to a product the ProductNo is added to the ProductNo field in the ProductAttachments table, in addition the Description, Type fields are updated from the corresponding fields in the Attachments tab. After the file is selected the file name is added to the FileName field in the ProductAttachments table.
When a product is added to a channel the ChannelListings table is populated in the following manner. The ChannelNo field is populated with the ChannelNo from the Channels table. As of Build 1116 the following channel numbers are assigned.
1 Amazon
2 eBay
3 X-Cart
4 Zen Cart
5 Custom (MySQL)
6 Custom (SQL Server)
7 *
8 osCommerce
9 Magento
10 Volusion
12 Yahoo! *
13 Mailware Web *
14 Fulfillment By Amazon
15 ChannelMAX
16 Shopify *
17 Just Add Commerce
18 Custom FTP *
19 T-HUB *
* Channel not currently implemented
The ChannelAccountNo is pulled from the ChannelAccounts table based on the Account selected from the Account drop down list in the Channel. The ProductNo is populated from the selected product. The SKU, Price, IsCurrentRetailPrice,IsOnSale,SalePrice,SaleStartDt,SaleEndDt,UPC,EAN,ISBN,ASIN,IsActive,IsRemove,IsDelete, LaunchDt,LeadtimeToShipDays,IsGiftwrapAvailable,IsGiftMessageAvailable,IsProductNoAsSKU, CategoryNo,InStock, IsFulFillmentByAmazon, ItemCondition, ItemNote, RepricingModelId, TaxCode, and RepricingFolderID are all populated from the Channel tab depending on what channel is selected. Other fields in the ChannelListings table are either not currently used or, used for process tracking.