Channel: Mailware - Mail Order Management Software Inventory ControlMailware - Mail Order Management Software Inventory Control
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Creating and Managing Suppliers

Whats New in 2011?

  • The ability to assign a Buyer to a supplier.
  • Default FOB
  • Default Terms
  • Minimum Purchase and Free Freight amounts
  • Discount %
  • Credit Line
  1. To access the Suppliers  feature click on the Setup Tab on the Mailware Explorer Setup Tab
  2. Then select the Suppliers icon form the Mailware Explorer. Suppliers NOTE: You can also access the suppliers screen from the Inventory option in the top navigation bar.  Supplier Navigation
  3. This will display the Product Supply Vendors screen. Product Supply Vendors
  4. The interface is divided into three tabs Vendor Information, Products and Purchase Orders.
  5. To Add a new Supplier/Vendor click on the New Button button.
  6. At this time you can key in all the vendor information that you need for your business.
  7. To associate a buyer with the supplier select them from the drop down list.  If you need to add a buyer you can add them from the Operators & Security menu.
  8. The Email Button button will launch your email client and populate the email address with the suppliers email address.
  9. The Products tab will show all of the products for the selected supplier.  Supplier Products Tab
    1. You can edit one of the products listed by clicking on the Edit Button button.  This will open the Products screen with the selected product in view.  Edit Product
    2. If you want to add a product from this screen click on the Add Product Button button.  A new record will be added to the products table with the selected supplier populated in the supplier field.  Add Product
  10. The Purchase Orders tab will show all of the purchase orders for the selected supplier.  Supplier Purchase Orders
    1. To edit one of the purchase orders on the list select it from the list and click on the Edit Button button.  Edit Purchase Order
    2. To add a new purchase order for this supplier click on the Add Purchase Order button.  This will create a new purchase order for the selected supplier. New Purchase Order For help on purchase orders click here.
  11. You can add new products or create new purchase orders by clicking on the Add PO or Product icons from the top of the suppliers screen.

UNDER THE HOOD: The suppliers feature uses primarily the Suppliers table.  However it interacts with numerous other tables in the system including the Products and PO tables.  When the new supplier is added to the new system the SupplierNo field is autoincremented and when you finish adding the supplier information and click on the Save button, the data are added to the Supplier table.

When you click on the Products tab the software queries the Products and ProductSuppliers tables for all of the Products that are assigned to the selected supplier.

When you click on the Purchase Orders tab the software queries the PO table for all of the purchase orders that were issued to the selected vendor.

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